Reducing inequalities

Reducing inequalities

Health inequalities Health inequalities are unfair and avoidable differences in health across the population and between different groups within society. Reducing health inequalities is key to our strategy and underpins our purpose of turning great ideas into positive health impact. Core20PLUS5, the NHS England and NHS Improvement approach to supporting the reduction of health inequalities at a national and local level, was published this year. Core20PLUS5 populations in England suffer from poorer health outcomes, which can be accentuated by inequitable access and experiences of health and care services and treatment pathways. The approach defines two population cohorts the Core 20 (national focus) and PLUS (local focus) along with 5 clinical areas requiring accelerated improvement to help reduce inequalities. Core20PLUS5 has also recently been adapted to apply to children and young people. Core20 PLUS other excluded / people living in the 20% most deprived areas of England as disadvantaged groups as recognised by the locality defined by the Index of Multiple Deprivation At Eastern AHSN we continue to support programmes in these areas while 5 clinical priority areas CVD Maternity Severe mental illness Chronic respiratory conditions Early cancer diagnosis Evaluation ensuring that we gather robust, real-world evidence to understand how innovation can impact on health inequalities. Our specialist capabilities As well as our commissioned programmes and our support in helping innovators develop their solutions and embed them in health services, we are also recognised for our specialist expertise across health and care innovation. We take on selected additional commissioned work and consultancy in these areas to deliver impact in the region and reinvest the income to support us in delivering our purpose. Health informatics Environmental sustainability Patient and public engagement and involvement Gathering insight Share this article If you have an innovation that could help us address health inequalities, get in touch: Return to About Us Up next: Take a look at how we have ensured best outcomes for everyone by understanding how innovations impact on health inequalities.