
We help innovators to realise the potential of their ideas to help their innovation reach the people, places and problems where it will have most benefit.

Great ideas can only make a difference for our health when they are put into practice.

From pioneering startups to global companies, we work with innovators to help their idea make meaningful change in the real world.

Innovator: ‘a person who introduces changes and new ideas.’

Oxford Languages

Our team of expert advisors and programme leaders have a deep understanding of the NHS, evaluation, commerce, informatics and communications. We can identify opportunities to scale-up your innovation, remove barriers and accelerate the value of innovation into our regional health and care system and beyond.

Unlocking economic growth for the East of England

In 2023/24 we have boosted  the UK’s economy with a contribution to the £475 million of external funding leveraged by the Health Innovation Network. Our work helped to leverage £51.3 million of external investment into the East of England, as a result of this, 31 jobs were created and a further 56.5 jobs were safeguarded.

How we can support you

We support local, UK and international companies with a wide range of free and paid-for support services to help innovators.

Working with ventures at any stage of their development, we can simplify every step in the process – whether you have an insight for an idea, a prototype or a product.

As part of our work with the NHS and Office for Life Sciences we provide a range of support to innovators. The type of support is tailored largely on the needs and development stage of the specific innovation.


Innovator: universal

Universal offer

Our universal offer is free to all innovators and includes:

  • Review, assessment and triaging of innovations
  • Advice and guidance – includes a 30-minute conversation and signposting to toolkits which will help develop your understanding of specific gaps we have identified for you
  • Develop your understanding of the health and care sector

Enhanced offer

Specific innovations that meet both a readiness threshold and at least one of the priorities of our local ICS’s can access an ‘enhanced offer’. For those that do not meet these requirements, the exact same support can be accessed through our consultancy services.

  • Broker connections with NHS and social care
  • Support to develop value proposition
  • Support for market research
  • Budget impact and benefits modelling advice
  • Assess gaps in evidence and insights
  • Evaluation advice and planning support
  • Broker evidence gathering
  • Support to apply for funding
  • Business case development advice and guidance
  • Provide showcase opportunities
Innovator: distinctive

Distinctive offer

Our ‘distinctive offer’ is free to innovators who meet high importance priority areas that need to be accelerated to fill an urgent need in the NHS. All services provided here can be access through our consultancy service.

  • Critical appraisal and evidence synthesis
  • Support for market research
  • Marketing, communications and stakeholder engagement
  • Intellectual property advice
  • Market access launch planning
  • Product development support
  • Patient and public involvement and engagement
  • Business development workshops

Whatever stage of your innovation journey – whether you have an insight or  you are delivering impact – we provide a series of resources, training opportunities and workshops to accelerate your innovation forwards.



Innovator events icon


We offer a series of events including our Insights to Impact Masterclasses and Scale-Up Academy – to enable leaders in the health and care commercial landscape to share their expertise with you.

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Innovator: sustainability icon


We can support your organisation to understand the procurement roadmap to access the NHS market, including supporting your understanding of policy levers, requirements and knowledge of how net zero and sustainability and healthcare improvement are intrinsically linked.

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Innovator: international


We enable homegrown innovations to access global markets and boost their commercial opportunities. We also help international companies access the UK health and care market – establishing in the Eastern region and connecting with key stakeholders in the NHS.

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Lucy Jung, CEO Charco Neurotech, smiles at camera

We have worked closely with patients with Parkinson’s to develop CUE1 and we are continually talking to them to make the product better. We’ve seen the difference the device can make and we are grateful to Health Innovation East for their support in helping to commercialise CUE1 and access the NHS market so that we can bring back smiles to people living with Parkinson’s.

Lucy Jung, CEO, Charco Neurotech

Share your idea

Do you have a great idea that could deliver meaningful change in the real world?

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